You don’t need to be a professional, or even a good bowler to bowl league. Our leagues have a handicap system to level the playing field, and most bowlers improve with time and practice - we even offer lessons from a certified coach thru our pro shop... ask for details. Not everyone is competitive, most are here for the social – and exercise elements that are a part of organized leagues… yes you’ll meet new friends, and it’s a proven fact that people who are involved in organized activity such as bowling, are happier, and live longer! ….and yes, I did say exercise – bowling 3 games is equivalent to walking 1 mile, and you will use 132 muscles. There are a lot of non-competitive bowlers in all of our leagues. Most of all league bowling is FUN!
As a league bowler you will get a certified average and will be eligible to bowl many optional tournaments if you chose, including a city championship, a state championship, or even Nationals - Women's championship for 2020 will be in Las Vegas, Nevada and the Open Championship for 2020 will be in Reno, Nevada. These national tournaments can have up to 80,000 participants over a 4 month stretch each year and also serve as a vacation!
Our adult leagues run for 29-35 weeks, many teams have several people on a 4 or 5 person team. Most bowlers bowl every week, and some rotate with other bowlers and will bowl 2 weeks on and 1 week off - all depends on your team and what fits into your schedule. You don’t have to put a team together if you don’t have enough bowlers for a team…give us a call or stop on by, we have several single or double spots available and can place you on a team. We still have spots available for this season.
Leagues – Adult (3 games) Price range $11-$15 per week. We still have some spots left call 442-BOWL or 442-1004 to sign up or for more information.
(50 and over, some are in their 90’s and going strong! - 3 games) $8 per day
Our Senior leagues are at 1pm and are mixed/coed single teams and drop in basis, so if you can’t make it for some reason it’s ok, perfect for the bowler that needs flexibility in their schedule, and is available from 1pm-3:30pm.
Monday & Friday at 1pm
Thursday at 1pm
Amusement center offering a bowling center and a pizzeria / snack bar.
Call 406-442-2695 to book now.
3355 Tricia St. Helena, MT 59601